Still Have Questions? Here's What We Can Help Answer
Retirement Related - We can answer these and other questions for you:
- What if I want to keep working? How will that affect my retirement accounts?
- In what order should I take income from my accounts if I stop working?
- What are RMD's and can I do anything different with them?
- How can I leverage Roth IRA's for my grandchildren?
- How do I balance my desire not to lose money with that of keeping pace with inflation?
- How should I/we title my/our assets to minimize probate?
- How can I have a stable income through retirement?
- What can I afford to spend each year? Everything I have is in tax-deferred accounts.
- What can I do to minimize my taxes?
- The estate tax seems to change every year. How can I plan for it?
- I just sold my home. What do I do with the money?
Immediately Pre-Retirement - The five years prior to retirement is a time full of difficult decisions. We can help you figure out:
- Which retirement option should I take at work?
- How can I transfer my company 401k into a tax advantaged account?
- How can I replace my paycheck?
- When should I start taking social security?
- I have accounts everywhere. How can I consolidate them so I have a better feel for what I can do?
- Can I afford to retire without worrying too much?
- Do I still need my life insurance?
- What is a Roth IRA and would it benefit me or my family?
- How much of my portfolio should be in stocks?
Widow(er) or Divorcee - Often when a spouse dies or a divorce occurs, someone is faced with issues they've never dealt with or even thought about.
- Do I have the right amount of risk in my investments?
- I'm worried that I'll lose everything & end up with nothing! (Bag Lady Syndrome). How can I avoid that from happening?
- How can I organize my finances to reduce my stress?
- I just received a huge divorce settlement. What should I do with all this money to protect what I have?
- What in the world is a step-up basis, and can it help me?
- When my spouse passed, he/she had IRAs and retirement plans; is there any best way to take those monies (other than one lump sum) to benefit me or our heirs?
- I need income from my investments. How much can I comfortably take?
- I'm tired of so many statements! What do I need to do to consolidate my investments now?
Medical Professionals - Risk management is often of vital importance to medical professionals and having someone coordinate all aspects of their financial lives allows them to concentrate on their specialties.
- How can I set up a retirement plan to benefit me and keep my employees loyal?
- Other than a retirement plan that I have to contribute to for my employees, what other options are available to build my assets?
- How should my assets be titled or held to help protect me from potential liability?
Business Owners - We can help:
- What type of business form should I use for my particular business?
- What kind of retirement plan can I use and which would be best for my needs.
- I'm selling my business. (this time frame and the underlying decisions are very similar to retirement. In many cases business owners are going to deal with more available cash than they ever had.)
- What do I do with my investments? Are there any strategies that I can use to lower my taxes?
- What are the possible catastrophes that I need to be aware of so that I can protect my business. I need to be aware of and plan for the estate tax planning issues so that my heirs receive more than the IRS!
Inheritors, Heirs, or Lottery Winners - People coming into large amounts of money have special needs and concerns like these:
- Do I take my inheritance (or prize) in cash or in kind?
- What changes should I make in my estate plan?
- Part of my inheritance is in IRAs. How should I take them?
- How much can I safely spend without depleting this windfall?