“At Ross & Mary Hunt, Inc., we help get you (and keep you) Retirement Ready with strategies prioritizing your vision for your golden years.

Not Your Average Retirement Planner

Every financial advisor you talk to before selecting the right partner will tell you that it's important to plan and that they can help with a custom plan.

Now, those are great thigs...and we will definitely help you do that, too, but we focus on the holistic planning to keep you Retirement Ready.

We do not offer set it and forget it plans that get updated every few years. We are financial life coaches that come by your side to ensure that whatever happens, your retirement plan doesn't have to get sacrificed.

Now that you understand what we do, here's how we do it:

First, we determine the appropriate path forward by analyzing your time horizon, risk tolerance, income streams, expenses, tax obligations and assets.

Next, we help you devise a plan and better understand what your retirement will look like.

Finally, we implement the plan, update as needed, and focus on building your financial confidence and literacy as we work together. This is the key to helping our clients get (and stay) Retirement Ready.


The closer you get to retirement, the more complex the decisions you must make become. Let us help you navigate the retirement planning process so you can live the retirement life you envision.


Free Retirement Guide

If you're serious about making the most of your retirement, consider downloading our free guide. We go over:

  • Retirement planning myths and realities
  • A look at a comprehensive retirement plan
  • FAQs
  • And how we can help get you on track

Download the guide